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Garden Tools Every Beginner Needs

Garden Tools Every Beginner Needs

Posted by Simplay3 on 23 May 2017

Starting a garden can be a daunting task. What should I plant? Where do I put my garden? How much shade? What should my soil composition be? While we can’t answer every question we can offer our top picks for the beginning gardener tool set. This list offers tools to protect plants and tools to protect the gardener.

  1. Gloves - Every gardener needs a good set of durable gloves that will save you from the thorns and splinters that come with horticulture. Our favorites are Foxgloves.
  2. Spade - There are a lot of factors to consider when finding the right shovel, from handle design to durability. For a list of pros and cons on different shovels head over to Morning Chores.
  3. Rake - If you'll be dealing with heavier materials then go with a bow rake, it's great leveling soil, mulch or sand. 
  4. Wheelbarrow - a good wheelbarrow is a necessity whether it be delivering fresh soil to different beds or hauling off weeds after a morning of weeding. Check out our Easy Haul Wheelbarrow for a lightweight, easily maneuverable option.
  5. Hoe - there are a variety of hoes to choose from but to start go with a general gardening hoe as it will cover most needs.
  6. Shears - Also known as pruners, are one of the most used gardening tools there is.  They come in many different shapes and sizes. Head over to Gardening Products Review to learn more about how to choose the right pair for your needs. 
  7. Garden Stool - planting, weeding, trimming, this adds up to a lot of time hunched over. Save your back and the knees of your jeans with a good sturdy gardening stool that adjusts to the level that you need. Check out Simplay3’s Handy Home 3 Level Seat.
  8. Wide Brim Hat - gardening is a lot of hours in the sun. Being protective of your skin during this hobby is just as important as the preparation you put into your garden. Make sure to wear sunscreen and a wide brim hat when tending to your garden.

When it comes to gardening tool must haves, the lists will always differ slightly, the important part is to buy quality. Learn more about Simplay3’s gardening products.