Product Spotlight: Easy Haul Flat Bed Cart
Posted by Simplay3 on 4 May 2017
Here at Simplay3, we ask one question of ourselves when developing new products, how can we make our customers lives easier? That’s how the Easy Haul Flat Bed Cart came into existence. With its unique design and durable build, this cart can haul over 200 lbs without losing maneuverability. From the removable handle for easy transport to assembly, our team has built the Easy Haul Flat Bed Cart with you in mind. Our product designers thought through everything with this product. It can easily hang in the garage for storage, its dimensions fit in the back of a crossover SUV, even the design of the handle makes for less effort in moving the cart around.
Best of all, our products are designed to last, being rust resistant.
There are a 101 uses for this cart.
Whether you need to transport waters, snacks and gear to the soccer field or haul feed to the pen of this year’s 4-H project, the Easy Haul Flat Bed Cart will take the effort out of everyday chores for your family!
We would like to hear from you! How would you most likely use this durable two wheel flat cart?